Sunday, 28 August 2011


READ: PSALM 42:1-11
There are many types of miracles, but the miracle of salvation is the greatest. In Matthew 8:1-3, we have the story of a leper who approached Jesus and fell down at His feet as the Saviour came down from a mountain to. He asked Jesus to make him whole. This man had neither money nor a helper. He was sick, sad, lonely and hopeless. He was not even sure that Jesus Christ would be willing to heal him. But the day he met the God of breakthroughs, he got breakthrough. In Mark 2:1-12, we meet a man who was paralysed from the neck downward. He was helpless, as he could not move himself. He depended on others for everything. He had four good friends who heard that Jesus Christ could do everything. To get to Jesus Christ they had to take the man through the rooftop. Seeing their faith, Jesus told the man that all his sins were forgiven. This gave the man his breakthrough as he walked home rejoicing and glorifying God. In John 5:1-14, we meet the man at the pool of Bethesda. The man had been waiting here for thirty-eight years. The day his breakthrough came, the man took his position among the so many disabled people waiting to receive their miracles from the Lord Jesus. When the God of breakthroughs came around, this man was singled out for a breakthrough. In Mark 10:46-52, Bartmaeus was sitting by the roadside sick, poor, and sad. He had heard of the God of breakthrough but he could not see, as he was blind. Nobody was willing to take him to Jesus Christ. However, when he heard that Jesus was passing by he cried out loud unto Him. The Lord heard him and gave him his breakthrough –he regained his sight. Before you can get your breakthrough you have to be cleansed. Naaman was cleansed and the sin of the leper was forgiven. Bartmaeus cried out and God had mercy on him. If you are born again, you cannot receive your breakthrough. Your sins have to be forgiven or you will keep on suffering. You need the miracle of salvation today. Get saved and your existence on earth will become a rhythm of miracles.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 42:1 –As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.