Sunday 12 February 2012


God has given us power to control and determine events, both in our lives and around us. The problem with many of us is that we want things done for us: even when we know what to do, we expect God to come down from heaven to do what we ought to do. Many of us desire the rain of God's blessings, but fail to provoke that rain. How then shall it pour? Let us take a cue from the earth. The earth is very wise. It desires to be watered constantly so that it can nurture all the trees, plants and others on it. How does it achieve this?
The earth waits for God to release the first rains. Knowing that for the rain to continue, there must be a process of cloud gathering, the earth releases part of that first rain through the process of evaporation to the clouds. And when the clouds are heavy, they break forth as rain upon the earth once again. So the earth saves and uses some rain and sacrifices some up to the clouds again in preparation for more.
The period between the clouds gathering and rainfall is usually a period of dryness for the earth. All the plants and trees cry, 'Oh mother earth! We are dry and thirsty! We lack sufficient moisture! Help us!' To this, the earth replies, 'Oh my children! If you don't sow, you cannot reap! We had to make this sacrifice so we can continue to have rain. Be patient! The clouds will soon be full and will burst forth as rain! I promise you I will give you more than you desire when the rain materialises!'  O, hear the earth. Thank God for your source of livelihood!
But please note that if you want to enjoy God's exponential blessings, then you must be prepared to sow sacrificially into the Kingdom. But you say: I have sown again and again without any positive results! It takes several sowings to sufficiently load your clouds until they are full and break forth as showers of blessings. Hence verse 6 of our text tells you to continue to sow until you reap. Remember, you can determine how fast your rains will come. Start sacrificial and continuous sowing today. But also ensure you are not living in sin while you sow. And sooner or later your clouds will break forth upon you.
MEMORIZE: ECCLESIASTES 11:1 -Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.