Wednesday 2 January 2013


READ: AMOS 3:1-3

If you have met the right spouse and have received confirmation from the Lord that he has meant for you to be together, you still have to work out certain important issues before you go to the altar.
“Can two walk together except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3.
Even though you are both born again and attend bible-believing churches, you have to agree on certain vital doctrines in Scripture. Holiness is a telling example. If your spouse says it is not possible to live holy, or if he or she does not believe in absolute holiness, do not proceed to get married. It means that, even though he or she may not kill or steal, that person is capable of infidelity. If your partner hasn’t committed to total holiness, and you decide to go ahead, you shouldn’t come weeping to your pastor later is that person is about to chase you out of your matrimonial home, or tell him you want a divorce because your partner is sleeping around with any available member of the opposite sex.
There must also be a meeting of the minds concerning divine healing. You have to agree on your family doctor. Will it be Jesus only; Jesus and a medical doctor; or Jesus, a medical doctor and an herbalist? If there is no agreement on this issue, it could cause problems later. For instance, when a couple seeks fertility treatment and the doctor says there is no problem, one of the partners may want to consult an herbalist, which is contrary to Scripture. This could cause a rift between man and woman.
It would also be nice to agree on the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This will help the partners to overcome any gap in knowledge that may exist between them. If the wife therefore wakes up in the morning and begins to pray in tongues, her husband will not rush to phone an ambulance, thinking she has gone crazy.
These issues might appear trivial, but you will be surprised how these seemingly insignificant issues can break up families, more so than the so-called big issues. Pray and do what the Lord will have you do, and you will be blessed.      

MEMORIZE: AMOS 3:3 –Can two walk together except they be agreed?