Monday 11 August 2014


There are three types of fear: Ungodly fear, good fear and godly fear. Ungodly fear refers to the fear of man, Satan and unpleasant events. This type of fear torments its recipients and whenever it is present, faith dives out through the window. All types of ungodly fear emanate from the devil. He has even gone scientific in affecting the human race with fear. Someone who had wined and denied with Satan and his demons, after his conversion to Christ, said that in the galaxies – the second heavens, which is presently Satan’s headquarters, there are certain fear machines shaped like the human mouth. All it does is to release a frightening shrill from time to time. As the scream is released into the atmosphere, it hits people wherever they are. Anyone that arrow of fear hits will suddenly become afraid. If one is not prayerful enough especially as a believer, he may have to battle for a long time or even live with that fear. Every arrow of fear shot against your mind, in the name of Jesus Christ be dislodged and rendered powerless now.
If you are driving carelessly on the way and you come across an accident scene, you will become afraid and drive more carefully. This is a good fear because it will preserve your life. The type of fear that motivates you to study hard, work hard and pray hard in order not to fail is a good type of fear. Isaiah 8:13 says, “Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread”. There is another type of fear which is linked with God. It is a holy fear and when present in your life, it will motivate you to obey and serve God. This is godly fear. God wants you to fear Him. He is the only One that should be feared. In fact, if you fear God, other fears will disappear. Divine strength is imparted to you from every level of godly fear you attain. If you still live in secret sin, it is as a result of lack of godly fear. If you do not mind being seen sinning in public, it shows you are not even born again. It was the fear of God in Joseph that made him to refuse the offer of Potiphar’s wife. Godly fear will keep you from secret sin and compromise because you know that God’s eyes are upon you. How much do you fear God? What type of fear is operating in your life? Ask God for grace to fear Him alone.
MEMORIZE: ISAIAH 8:13 –Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.