Thursday 20 September 2012


READ: PSALM 122:1-7
In Acts 3:1-6 we are told that one of the temple gates was called Beautiful Gate. Peter and John were passing through his gate on their way to worship when they met the lame man. Both Peter and John attended a local parish where they fellowshipped with fellow believers. Some Christians feel caged in the thought of committing themselves to a local parish. They prefer to do ‘church hoping’ from one denomination to another, one parish to another. They do not settle down and grow.
Why was the gate to the temple called Beautiful Gate? Because the glory of God is revealed in his house. Scripture says: “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” (Psalm 16:11). Revelation 21:21-22 tells us how beautiful the gates of heaven are. Even if the physical structure is nothing to look at, it will be beautiful as long as God is there. And in his house you will encounter your blessings.
Outside the temple lame and poor people were begging. Why do you think beggars prefer to sit directly outside the church gate? It is because the world expects a lot from the church. They expect Christians to be holy, generous and Christ-like. When you do not fulfil that expectation, unbelievers are quick to say: “You call yourself a Christian and you still do such a thing.”
The world has a double standard as far as the church is concerned. They cheat and think nothing of it. But if a believer or pastor cheats once, they will make a big fuss about it. The newspaper will carry it: “Pastor turns fraudster.” Deep down they are jealous of the fact that we have Jesus and they don’t. Are you living up to the world’s standard for believers? More importantly, are you living up to God’s standard for your life? Are you drawing unbelievers around you to Christ, or do you repel them from even becoming Christians?
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 5:16 –Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.