Friday 14 September 2012


READ: LUKE 10:18-20
Eagles’ nests are always perched in the highest places. They aren’t threatened by other birds, animals or even hunters. In fact, the only enemies eagles have, are serpents. No matter how high an eagle’s nest may be, serpents will attempt to reach it in order to eat their favourite delicacy – bird’s eggs.
Eagles have two ways of dealing with serpents.
The first is by using its beak. It pecks the serpent on the head until it dies. The only enemies Christians have are the devil and his forces. The Bible rightly calls Satan a serpent. So how did Jesus deal with the devil when the devil came to tempt him in the wilderness? He used the Word of God to ‘peck’ him.
We should be spiritual eagles. Whenever the serpent comes against us, we should use the Word of God to ‘peck’ him. We should confront obstacles in our way with the Word of God. We should use our months to destroy the enemy. Proverbs 18:21 says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
To use the Word of God, you have to learn it off heart. For many Christians, Bible aids such as the concordance have made us lazy. We tend to check the concordance whenever we need to remember a short passage. Ideally we should store so much of God’s Word in our hearts, that we should have little need for Bible aids.
The second way eagles deal with serpents is to grab them by the neck, fly off in search of a rock and then hurl them against it. Jesus is the rock of ages. Any problem, sickness or enemy you drop on him will be scattered (Psalm 92:9). Stay close to the rock of your salvation (Psalm 95:1).
MEMORIZE: PROVERBS 18:21 –Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.