Thursday 6 September 2012


Generally speaking, eagles have a special diet. They do not eat anything that dies by itself or that has been killed by other animals. They catch their own prey. As Christians, we are like eagles; therefore we should also watch our diet. You are what you eat. Our physical growth depends on the type of food you eat. This also applies in your spiritual life.
Some Christians do not have an appetite for the Bible, but they spend hours feeding themselves with television programmes and worldly music, neither of which is spiritually uplifting. They read newspapers and know all about current affairs. They spend hours at cyber cafés browsing the internet. Some even read filthy books and magazines, including pornography and lust – not love – stories. How can such Christians grow in the Lord?
Show me Christians who watch their spiritual diet, and I will show people who are heaven bound. Your spiritual growth should be uppermost in your mind, because it has a great influence on the level of your prosperity and health (3 John 2).
Eagles catch live prey. According to John 6:63 God’s Word is spirit and life. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is quick, alive and powerful. The Word of God is food for your soul. This means that, each time you feast on God’s Word, you receive some measure of the life and power of God, which adds up to make your spirit grow.
Some Christians may be physically small, but spiritually speaking they are giants. They may be starving physically, but in the spiritual realm they are more than well-fed. That is why no mountain can stand before them. David was physically small, but having fed on God’s Word, he was spiritually superior to Goliath. In the end, the physical giant had to bow to the spiritual giant. Grow up today.
MEMORIZE: LUKE 1:80 –And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his showing to Israel.