Monday 24 December 2012


READ: 1 SAMUEL 15:22-27

Many times we err because we equate our standards with God’s. The Scriptures clearly state that God is not a man. He has already said that nothing unclean will gain entrance into heaven but some feel otherwise. We think we can get him to lower his standards.
For you to remain a favourite bride, God requires total obedience. In today’s reading, God sent a favourite bride to another of his favourites. Samuel told Saul that God preferred and demanded total obedience above sacrifice, but the latter refused to obey fully. As a result God, rejected him as favourite. May God never reject you! “Now therefore, if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure to me above all people: for all the earth is mine...” (Exodus 19:5).
You are special to God. If you will keep his covenant and obey his Word, then you will become a peculiar treasure above everyone else on the face of the earth! How marvellous. But remember being a favourite is a choice that can also be reversed. Esther replaced Vashti as Queen (Esther 2:17) and after that Vashti was deserted; nothing was ever heard of her again. Joshua replaced Moses; king Saul replace Eli and David replace Saul.
1 Samuel 16:13-14 tells us that king Saul woke up as a king one morning, but before the end of the same day, he had become a lunatic. You have to know how to hold tight to being God’s favourite. “So the last shall be the first and the first last: for many be called but few chosen.” (Matthew 20:16).
This implies that if the number one misbehaves, he can become the last and vice versa. Are you sanctified? Do not allow death to meet you before you are made perfect. You have the opportunity now to become the person he wants you to be.

MEMORIZE: EXODUS 19:5 –Now therefore, if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure to me above all people: for all the earth is mine...