Sunday 19 June 2011


God is pure light. There s no darkness in Him at all. If He were anything less than complete, total purity and light, He would not be perfect. We know that God is absolute purity and perfection, otherwise His Son would not have commanded us to be as perfect as our Father in heaven. A teacher placed a piece of white cardboard on the wall and, with a black marker, made one tiny spot in the middle the white card board. “What you see?” he asked his students. “A black spot”, they all answered. The teacher was surprised at their spontaneous but negative answer. “Why is it that all you can see is a black spot?” Remarkably, all what the students had noticed was the tiny, solitary black speck. They had totally missed the vast majority of the white cardboard, which was not marked. It is no wonder then that God insists that His children must be as pure as light because He knows that any blemish, no matter how tiny, on their garments, would be the only thing that other people would notice about them. Thus, God is telling His children that if a person who claims to be a child of God is seen committing iniquity, nobody is going to remember all his righteous deeds; they only recall his sin. They would not see the broad expanse of white (purity) in his life but only the speck of black (sin) in it. Beloved, whenever the devil tells you to go into sin, reject his suggestions. I counsel you at such moments to remember the good works which the Lord has done in your life. A little back spot will stain your reputation and integrity. Those who would never talk about the good you have done will be quick to talk about your faults. Ask God to give you the grace to say no to Satan, no matter how alluring his offers may be. Remember, one little mistake can ruin all that you have laboured to build over the years.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 5:48 –Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.