Monday 26 September 2011


There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every mortal. The only thing that can fill this void is inner purity. No one can experience purity without inviting Jesus, or Saviour and Sanctifier, into his or her heart. Are you guilty of hidden and open sins? Repent right now and ask God to come into your heart and cleanse it so that He may dwell in it permanently. Say: “Lord, forgive me of my unclean thoughts, lying, pride, covetousness, laziness and every other way I have sinned against you. I affirm that I will never be lustful, proud, covetous, untruthful, unforgiving or lazy again. I am a child of God and so I want to behave as my father does. Come into my heart right now and cleanse it of all sins so that you may dwell in me fully and completely; fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may work the works of Him who sent me.” Finally, how can you be sure that you are pure? You can be sure that you are pure when you are longer overcome by temptation. You can reach this stage of Christian maturity if you will receive it from God in prayer. If you are already a child of God, repeat this prayer loud, humbly and sincerely: “Lord, I do not want to be impure any longer. I want to be as pure as light. Take my life and make it holy and divine by making it wholly yours. So fill me with your Spirit that I may walk always in purity and light.” If you are not yet Christian, these daily devotional thoughts may not mean much to you because until a person is born again of the Spirit of God he does not have the power to live a holy life. No child of the devil can be pure. Religion cannot make you free from sin. Holiness is impossible for those who cover themselves with the filthy rags f religious righteousness. Purity is possible only through the power of a new life. Make it a point of duty to come into a decisive encounter with the Saviour today.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 5:8 –Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.