Many people
are today because they refused to be rich. How? They rejected God’s condition
on how to be rich. There are some that are however poor because there are
certain evil forces working against them. Many refuse to be rich for several
reasons. Some do fear that if they become rich, they will become targets for
robbers and assassins. Let it be clear to you that if God buys a car for you,
He live in that car. If God builds a house for you, He will in that building
with you twenty-four hours a day throughout your life. You may say, “But I know
Christians who lost their cars to armed robbers”. “That could be possible but
why should you think that the evil that befell Mr ‘A’ must of necessity happen
to you?” Some people have their thinking caps worn on the wrong side and they
would always conclude that any evil that happened to anybody is also waiting
for them. They are always hoping for evil, whereas the Bible says, “Christ
in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27). It did not say, “Christ
in you, the hope of death.” Therefore do not refuse to be prosperous. God is
good and the Bible says that God is rich. There are several biblical references
to establish the fact of God’s wealth. Let us examine just one of them: Psalm
24:1 says “The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who
dwell therein.” If this is the only thing that is written in the Bible,
it means God must be very rich. Can you imagine a man, who owns all the land in
Nigeria, Africa or the world? If you have ever travelled from Lagos which is in
the Southern corner of Nigeria to Maiduguri on the Northern part, you ill
understand the point clearly. Alternatively, if you have flown in an aircraft
for six hours non-stop from Lagos to London, or to New York in America which is
fourteen hours by air, you will appreciate what it means to own all the land in
the world and its fullness. This means anything in this earth, whether on the
earth or in the bowels of the earth, belongs to God.
PSALM 24:1 –The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those
who dwell therein.