Thursday 1 March 2012


We live in an era of grace. In the Old Testament, God dealt with man under the law. The Bible tells us that the law was a shadow of things to come, the reality of which came into being when Jesus was born. Grace affords every Christian an opportunity to serve God. However, some Christians have argued that the time we live in are so corrupt that it is more difficult to serve God now than under any other dispensation. Some have even used this as an excuse to compromise their faith, hoping to get serious with God during the Great Tribulation.
In the first place, the Scripture says: 'Where sin abounds, grace did much more abound.' This means that no matter how corrupt and defiled the world may be, if you look to the Lord, he will give you all you need to stay out of defilement. However, to reject the grace of God and defer serving God until after the rapture, is a most tragic step. The Great Tribulation period will be characterised by several extreme conditions that will make it really difficult to serve God. Satan's helmsman, the Antichrist, will be the world's ruler. He will compel all into satanic worship. He will regulate commerce and other essential services and ensure that those who do not agree with him (who refuse his mark) have no means of livelihood. He will lead the world in open rebellion against God (Revelation 12).
The Antichrist will lead the world into lawlessness. He will create a very permissive and depraved world. Robbers, adulterers and delinquents will receive worldwide acclaim. Immorality will be free for all. Ritual murder will be institutionalised. Marriages will collapse. Law enforcement agencies will become a tool under the Antichrist to punish the just and acquit the wicked. Many will lose property, children and spouses will be molested. The Great Tribulation period will epitomise sin at its peak in the history of man, making Sodom and Gomorrah seem like child's play. If you find it difficult to overcome the temptation to lust when you see a few nude scenes on television now, how easily will you overcome when most women around you are nude everywhere you go? At this time you will have to pay for your salvation with your own blood! Now is the time to decide to make the Rapture!
MEMORIZE: JEREMIAH 12:5a -If you have run with the footmen, and they  have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses?