Tuesday 6 March 2012


READ: JAMES 5:9-11
Every Christian has been called into suffering of some sort. The Scripture rightly says: “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” Yes, but when one goes into some kind of suffering, it is proper to investigate and find out why. Not all afflictions that come to a child of God have God's approval. Many people today are carrying yokes and problems they ignorantly received from Satan. They have had to argue that after all, Jesus asked those who would follow him to carry their cross. This is theirs, they conclude.
Some problems are allowed by God to try you as a child of God. In these circumstances, God and the devil are the examiners. One way you can identify such a situation is that in spite of your confession of sins, binding the devil and fervent prayers for a change, the situation remains the same. And when God speaks to you concerning your situation, either directly or through his Word, or even through other people, he will give you messages such as, 'You are going through a trial but be patient, it will soon be over.' In such a position, hold on to God. Do not allow the affliction to discourage you. Keep on standing in faith: persistent, dogged faith.
In another situation, you may cause the affliction you are going through. Scripture says: “Fools, because of their sins are afflicted.” Someone who fornicates may be afflicted with a venereal disease. If you trace your problem to sin, then confess, turn from it and make the necessary restitution. Thereafter, pray for healing. The problem will go away.
The third case is affliction from the devil without God's permission. This could be due to negligence, ignorance or lack of prayer. When you have checked yourself and found that sin is not the cause, then pray against this, standing on the Word of God. Pray persistently. It must change. If it resists, persist until it goes. Henceforth, resolve not to receive extra burdens that God has not allowed.  
MEMORZE: MATTHEW 22:29 -Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing  the Scriptures nor the power of God.”