Monday 5 March 2012


If you want to enter your land of rest, the Promised Land God is taking you to, then you must be careful whom you associate with. Exodus 23:2 a says: “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil.” The well-known saying, Vox populi vox Dei means 'The voice of the people is the voice of God'. This is not true, as often most popular leaders do evil.
When God asked 12 spies to go out into the land of Canaan, they obeyed. But on their return, ten of them disgraced God by saying that the land was good, but impossible to conquer. 'Don't mind God; he is only trying to get to whet our appetites over the land he cannot give us.' They used their oratory and eloquence to influence the whole of Israel and turned their hearts against God. But his servant Moses and the other two spies disagreed. As result of the revolt that followed, God swore that none of the men, 20 years and older who had come out of Egypt would inherit the land of promise, except Caleb and Joshua. So they wandered and wandered for 40 years in the wilderness until all of them died there. People who tell you God cannot do what he has promised, should be avoided. Those who paint pictures of God's powerlessness, because of delays in answering, and ask you to try other gods or false prophets, should be avoided like the plague.
Paul says: “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” In other words, he is saying, 'You can keep on imitating my lifestyle as long as I live in consonance with that of Jesus. But the moment I begin to stray from the truth, stop following me. If I preach another gospel to you, do not receive or believe it.' Today, some Church leaders who started well have turned away from following Christ. God says, 'Stop following them or else you will be consumed in the Judgement that will upon them.' Pause today and take a long look at those you call your friends. Find out who is constantly leading you into error and prayerfully cut them off. Keep those who will lead you in God's way, in whose company you are always spiritually revived.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 1:1 -BLESSED is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful;