Thursday 8 March 2012


READ: EXODUS 19:9-13
When two students go for an examination, and at the end of the day one passes with distinction, while the other fails woefully, their performances reveal their level of preparedness. Have you also wondered why at a meeting of God's people, some are blessed while others are not? A key factor here is how prepared they were. Some people come to the Holy Ghost Service without any level of preparation. To them, attending that service has become a routine, or ceremony. Some attend reluctantly. Some others use it as a forum for social meetings, to see old friends or do business. No wonder some are left out.
Even during the service, there are those who move about, talking away. Some sleep while the message is on, while others have no expectation whatsoever. All this further accounts for why some cannot receive what God has released to them. Preparation is very important before God. In fact, in our reading, God required his people to set themselves apart for him and physically cleanse themselves two days before his visit. God does not expect anything less today.
For you to maximise any programme, be it regular or special, prepare adequately days in advance. Seek the face of God concerning exactly what you want him to do for you. Ask him to cleanse you from any sin and remove everything that could constitute a hindrance to your requests, such as unbelief, unforgiveness and strife.
One the day of the programme, come into God's presence with thanksgiving. Also come in faith and with high expectations to receive your requests. Listen carefully, shun all distractions and flow with every part of the service. Release your faith and receive every word of knowledge relating to your desire. You shall not go unrewarded. You shall not be empty. Resolve from today to prepare to meet with God a least two days before the appointment.
MEMORIZE: AMOS 4:12 -Therefore thus will I do to you, O Israel; and because I will do this to you, prepare to meet your God, O Israel.