Sunday 1 April 2012


READ: 1 SAMUEL 16:10-18
In the days of the children of Israel, people were specifically chosen and anointed to be either prophets, priests or kings. Of all the Old Testament saints, David is one person who compares with today’s believers, for he successfully combined several portfolios. David was King. Beyond this, he was very skilled instrumentalist and worship leader. After God rejected King Saul, the Holy spirit left him and an evil spirit started tormenting him. His servants, who knew the power of inspired instrumental worship in deliverance asked Saul’s permission and sought someone very skilled to do the job. Who did they find? David.
David was also a brave warrior. When all of Israel ran for their lives at Goliath’s challenge, including all the mighty men of war, David confronted their fear and brought victory to Israel. On one occasion he went out to war in support of another king and on his return found that some enemies had attacked and taken away all he had left behind, including his wives, children and property. On getting the go-ahead from God, he pursued the enemy and recovered it all.
In 1 Samuel 30:7-8, David used the ephod to do the work of a priest. Normally it was forbidden for a king to perform the duties of a priest. King Saul did it and incurred God’s wrath. What David did with God’s approval shows that he was not only a king, but also a priest. Today, believers take on several roles. You are a king, a priest and prophet unto God. These are not honorary titles, but responsibilities you should perform. Your success in life depends on how well you play your roles.
God, like David, is a person of war. Are you? Have you gone out before to deliver and minister to others, and on your return found that the devil had struck at your home or business? What did you do? Did you accept it as God’s will and let it go? No. Pursue and recover all the enemy has stolen. “Woe unto him that kept his sword from blood.” It is dangerous to put on God’s armour and refuse to use it. Ask God to make you all he has designed you to be.
MEMORIZE: REVELATION 1:6 –And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen