Thursday 26 April 2012


READ: LUKE 12:4-9
After the creation of man, there no place for fear until Adam and Eve sinned against God. Since then man has been on the run, like Adam (Genesis 3:9-10). As long as your relationship with God is cordial and blossoming, you will have nobody and nothing to fear; rather you will be bold as a lion. But if sin is in your life, you have good reason to fear. Let sin drive you back to the cross to rewash in the blood of the lamb. Let sin not drive you away from God, like Adam.
A child of God, in right standing with God, who allows fear in his life, is insulting to God. By so doing, such a person is propagating the lie of Satan’s superiority over God. I know that all power belongs to my Father. Why then should I fear anyone or any situation in life? “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
Some people cannot take a step of faith to obey God in a decision, because of fear. You are afraid to marry that sister, even though you are both convinced it is in God’s perfect will, just because you fear that having had a riotous past, she may never conceive again. Are you afraid to leave that job of several years for the uncertain business or ministry God is leading you to? Bring your fears to the cross and deal with them there.
In life, what counts is not your fear but what God has spoken concerning the matter. There are different types of fear. One is physical fear. This includes the fear of death. Are afraid to die? Christ has set you free from that (Hebrews 2:15). In some passages of Scripture, we understand that the decision concerning when you will die as God’s child will be jointly taken between Jesus and you. Nobody can kill you before your time.
Besides, some who walked with God knew when they were going to die. Hezekiah pleaded for more than 15 years and God granted this to him. You can actually prolong your life by obeying and respecting your parents (Ephesians 6:1-3); obeying God completely and staying away from sin; taking care of your body, eating a balanced diet and resting when you should.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 118:17 –I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.