Friday 13 April 2012


READ: HEBREWS 12:15-17
The Bible contains a catalogue of those who were rejected by God. These things are documented for us to learn from. May God never reject you, in Jesus’ Name. In Genesis 4:3-7, God demanded a sacrifice from two brothers. Their parents, Adam and Eve had fallen into sin and witnessed God skin animals to clothe them, thereby shedding blood. Hebrews says “…without shedding of blood there is no remission.” Adam and Eve must have imparted this to their children.
Cain refused to meet God’s specification for the sacrifice. He decided to offer to God what he felt he should give, hence his sacrifice of the fruit of the ground was rejected. Abel, his brother, met God’s requirement and was accepted. Sometimes Christians try to play smart with God. They say that it is what you put in an envelope and label ‘tithe’ that constitutes your tithe. This way, they may envelope a quarter of their tithe and pay it. No wonder God has had to keep rejecting some sacrifices.
Similarly, before Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, his person was accepted. Likewise before Cain’s sacrifice was accepted, his person was rejected. This means that God desires you before your gift. If you are living in sin, God cannot have fellowship with you as such, if you offer any sacrifice to him, it will surely be rejected.
From today’s reading, we see Esau was also rejected. God rejected him because he could not stand a few hours’ hunger. He could not control his appetite and sold his birthright for a plate of porridge. Some Christians are not better. Everything they do, be it spiritual, secular, social or otherwise, must be calculated in monetary terms. If they are not going to benefit financially from attending a church, they will quit. For some, their god is their belly. Since they became Christians they have not taken a day off to fast. May your appetite not take heaven from you.
Another example was Ephraim. God transferred his brother’s blessings to him. After he prospered, he reverted to idols, so God rejected him (Hosea 4:17). You can prevent God from rejecting you. Avoid what will break you relationship with him and obey him daily.
MEMORIZE: HOSEA 4:17 ­–Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone.