Wednesday 28 November 2012


READ: JOHN 3:25-31

God desires a surrendered life from all his children. This is a major characteristic of the chosen ones, as exemplified in the life of Esther. Jesus taught us in the model of the Lord’s Prayer to say: “Your will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10). All that the inhabitants of heaven do is making God happy. When Jesus came to earth, he demonstrated that our entire lives should be centred on glorifying our Heavenly Father.
“I can of My own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge...because I seek not My own will, but the will of the Father which has sent Me.” (John 5:30).
To be able to live a surrendered life, you have to willingly give up your own will. This means your will should be subordinated to God’s and completely lost in his. This is based upon the realisation that you are what you are today only by his grace. You were not involved in making certain fundamental decisions, such as who would be your parents, your birthplace, gender, colour, height, and so on. God chose these for you. You realise, therefore, that having brought you thus far through all the stormy weather of life, he will take you to a glorious end.
The one who is surrendered to the Lord believes that he who has begun a good work in his life will definitely perfect it (Philippians 1:6). Nothing else matters than to please him who has called us out of darkness, into his marvellous light. God’s favour and peace are upon the surrendered life. Are you surrendered to God? To what extent? The extent to which he can use you, the type of relationship that will exist between you and the Lord; the quality and quantity of blessings you will receive; and your place in heaven. How long will you keep struggling with Jesus? Yield completely today and let him truly be your Lord. From that moment you will know what true power and success are.

MEMORIZE: JOHN 5:30 –I can of My own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge...because I seek not My own will, but the will of the Father which has sent Me.