Friday 2 November 2012


READ: ACTS 4:23-31

Peter and John had been accused by the authorities for healing a lame man and turning thousands to Jesus. After their trial, they were warned never again to preach in the name of Jesus. The disciples had no name other than Jesus to talk about, so they went to meet their brethren and reported all that had happened. The next thing they did was to pray form the heart and a small earthquake followed.
In Acts 16:23-28, Paul and Silas delivered a young girl of the spirit of divination through which her masters made money. When these men realised that their source of income was gone, they arrested Paul and Silas and brought them before magistrates, accusing them falsely. They were beaten and locked up. But because they were spiritual eagles who knew how to laugh at the storm and glide in it, they began to pray and worship God in the prison and before they knew it, there was a great earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison and immediately set everybody free.
If these brethren could pray and sing and attract earthquakes, you can, too. When you get God’s attention like that and he sends an earthquake, the foundation of your problem will move, and every humiliation in your life will give way: You will be totally free.
How do you bring down an earthquake? The first thing was that Peter, John and the others lifted up their voices in one accord. There was no dissenting voice. They were all in unity. There is power in unity. There is a good reward for the effort of two or more who are in agreement (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Looking at their prayer, you can learn from the pattern.
Start by telling God who he is. Then tell him what he has done from the past till now. After this, present your problems to him and tell him what you want him to do for you. At this time let your praise be ‘high praises’ and let it come from a pure heart. Release your faith to expect its immediate manifestation. When he answers, you will know.  

MEMORIZE: ECCLESIASTES 4:9 –Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.