Saturday 23 July 2011


READ: 2 KINGS 6:1-7
Although we detest problems, they are often blessings in disguise. Unknown to you, what you view as a problem today may be the only link with your miracle or breakthrough. The sons of the prophets reached Jordan and began to cut down trees. As they did, one of them suddenly discovered that his axe head had fallen off and landed straight in the river. Of course, he cried out because the lost axe-head was borrowed. Let us first look at the fact that it was the axe-head of just one particular son of the prophets that fell into the river. We shall also look at the fact that the axe-head fell into the river. This one man was singled out, as it were, from human perspective, for a big problem. Several other people were there cutting trees, but it was his own axe-head that fell. I am sure that if you were the fellow, you must have queried God. Also, I am sure that his mates must have viewed him with contempt. However, the situation was handled positively. Every problem that may come into your life, as a true child of God, shall result in testimony. This is why the Bible says that we should give thanks in all things (Ephesians 5:20). Whenever a problem comes, do not query God. Do not say, “God, are you not the Almighty?” or, “Are you not the Omnipotent One?” If you begin to say, “God, am I the only one here?” or, “What else am I supposed to do that I have not done?” this is a query. If you give Him a query, He may give a knock on the head. From the divine perspective, the man that we think has been singled out for problem or problems may have been singled out for a miracle. If this accident had not happened to the fellow in the Bible, we would not have this story in the Bible and the miracle that followed would not have happened. As a Christian, if you are facing a big problem right now, you should be rejoicing because, one day, you will give your testimony and the whole world will rejoice with you. You are not singled out for a problem. You are singled out for a testimony. If there is no problem, there will be no testimony. The challenge you have today is to allow God to convert your problem to a testimony.
MEMORIZE: EPHESIAINS 5:20 –Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.