Monday 11 July 2011


READ: LUKE 22:41-44
There are no questions on the fact that there are seasons of discouragement in every life. Whenever you feel tired or low-spirited, you must determine to ignore what the devil is whispering to you. Satan often tries to use such seasons to derail the train of your life. To my mind, Satan is coward. He avoids us when we are strong and aggressive but comes against us during moment of weariness. Strange enough, his methods are subtle and his weapons are often unnoticed. That is why the Bible cautions us against ignorance of the wiles of the devil. Satan tries to introduce discouragement into our hearts when we are tired. He would tell you that it is your going to church every time that makes you weary. When you wake up tired in the morning, he would tell you that there is no need to pray for a long time since you are already tired. He would tell that you are just a normal human being. Whenever you are tired, please do not listen to the advice of Satan. Do not try to solve any problem when you are tired. You can postpone making major decisions or solving major problems till you have enough strength and your mind is clear. Satan usually introduces discouragement when you are nearest to the glorious home. Satan often introduces discouragement nearly receiving your blessings and miracles. Satan can bring discouragement to anybody. He attempted his tricks on Jesus Christ, but he failed. In the name of Jesus Christ you will overcome Satan. Satan went to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, a day prior to the completion of His mission. He tried Him with discouragement. God, the Father, had to send an angel from Heaven to strengthen Jesus Christ. I am also sure that the Lord will do anything to encourage you during times of discouragement. I encourage you to hold on a little longer. It shall be well!
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 14:30 –But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”