specialises in springing surprises. He is pleasantly unpredictable in His
method. He does wondrous things and surprises His enemies in such a baffling
manner that gets everyone confused. A cursory study of the Scriptures reveals
that one of the weapons of the Almighty is divine surprise. He does the
unexpected in order to confuse the devil and his agents. Today’s devotional
study centres on Elisha, the man who received the double portion of Elijah’s
anointing. Elisha removed the curse of Jericho and decided to move on in his
journey. All of a sudden, some children emerged from nowhere out of the city
and began t deride him. Elisha cursed them in the name of the Lord and, before
he finished speaking, two bears came out of the bush and killed forty-two of
them. He was so highly anointed that it was dangerous to offend him. There was
something special about Elisha’s baldhead. The Almighty God played a trick on
the devil in this regard. Samson lost his power when he lost his hair. This led
Satan into thinking that a bald-headed man could not be powerful, particularly
as Elijah was a very hairy man. 2 Kings 1:7-8 confirms this about Elijah: “Then
he said to them, What kind of man was it who came up to meet you and told you
these words? So they answered him, He was a hairy man, and wore a leather belt
around his waist. And he said, It is Elijah the Tishbite.” Elijah was
such a hairy man that he was instantly recognised wherever he went. But Elisha
was bald-headed. This made Satan think that anyone who must have the power of
God in him must be hairy, forgetting that the Lord that we serve does as He
pleases in heaven. Psalm 115:3 says: “But our God is in heaven; He does whatever
He pleases.” The devil needs to think twice to be able to understand
the way of the Lord. The Lord can come in any form, and this means trouble for
the enemy as he will always get confused, in Jesus’ name.
PSALM 115:3 –But our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases.