Tuesday 5 March 2013


Comparing where you are with and where God expects you to attain vis-à-vis the time you came to know the Lord, would assist you in determining your level in the Christian race. The moment you accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, you became a new born baby, a child of God. That is only the beginning. God expects you to grow. 1 Peter 2:2 says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.”
Babyhood is a state of serious limitations. A baby is yet to develop his potential. A baby cannot reason by himself. He depends on others to feed, clothe, bathe and move. A child of ten who still urinates on himself cannot express himself, cannot read ABC and is still spoon-fed will surely be an irritant to his parents.
Some Christians have refused to grow. They have enjoyed being borne on the faith of others, spoon-fed even turning their leaders into another God. The slightest problem takes them to the pastor or ministers for prayers. Can you imagine some leaders or ministers always running to a fellow minister, or the pastor for prayers at every instant? They have refused to grow. God frowns at those who refuse to grow. The children of Israel were on manna from the time they left Egypt until they entered the Promised Land. Then manna ceased and they started to fend for themselves (Joshua 5:12). Jesus carried His disciples on His faith for a while until He went to the cross and then they had to exercise their own faith to live. The Lord is saying it is time to grow up.
Perpetual babies in the Lord will not be able to fulfil God’s plan for their lives. They will ever remain dependent on others, including far younger Christians. They will bear no benefit to the body of Christ. They remain a liability instead of an asset to the church. Their lives and conduct will negatively affect others because they will say, ‘they have been born again for the past ten, twenty or more years’, without manifesting the fruit of the Spirit, without maturity. They will remain carnal and most likely would not make it to heaven because the fruitless tree shall be cut down. Are you still a babe? Grow up.     
MEMORIZE: 1 PETER 2:2 –As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.