Saturday 9 March 2013


READ: 2 KINGS 2:8-14
David killed Goliath with the latter’s sword. Later on, the same was given to David while on exile as a weapon against his enemies. This shows that God has the ability to repeat any miracle. The rod of Moses, with which he parted the Red Sea in Exodus 14:15-16, was the same rod by which he obtained water from the rock for the Israelites (Exodus 17:5-6).
Elijah parted River Jordan with his mantle in 2 Kings 2:8. With the same mantle, Elisha parted the same river after Elijah’s rapture to heaven (2 Kings 2:13-14). So we see the same mantle performing the same miracle twice. If you understand this principle, you will be bold to confront any fresh challenge that comes your way on the basis of past victories. The fact is that Satan will bring the same challenges only in varying degrees. If you have overcome at an elementary stage, when the problem repeats at a higher level, you will also overcome.
God is a specialist at repeating miracles. Has He provided financially for you in time of need? If yes, the present financial lack will soon be submerged in His sea of provision. Has the Lord healed you at anytime of a disease? If He has, then that sickness in your body will soon disappear into oblivion. Any miracle God has done, He can repeat. The Lord will repeat all the victories and miraculous interventions in your life this year in Jesus name. Use the past victory as a point of thanksgiving after which, use them as basis for requesting a repeat miracles, although it is better to give Him the free hand to choose which method to use. In any case, it is not the mantle, rod or even jawbone of an ass that was responsible for the miracles. These media without the backing of the Lord would be totally useless and powerless. Samson killed 1000 Philistines using the jawbone of an ass (Judges 14 and 15). They died not by the jawbone but by the Spirit of God, hence Samson discarded it at some point. You are ordinary. Your gifts and assets are ordinary. But when an ordinary person like you and me carry the presence of the extra-ordinary God, we too become extra-ordinary.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 89:1 –I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.