Monday 7 February 2011


READ: ACTS 12:11-16
There is a very wide gap between the good old days and the present modern era. Modernity, we all know, is often characterised by a lot of shine and allurement. However, the old wine is better. I have been a Christian now for over thirty years, but I have discovered that what we were taught in the good old days cannot be compared with the present day emphasis in many religious circles. I counsel you to return to the old path today. If you can return to the old path, you will get instant answers to your prayers as they were getting in those days. The men of God were praying for Peter. He got released and went to where they were praying for him. He knocked at the door and one little girl who heard the knock went to open it. She ran back to the people to tell them that it was Peter at the door. The people did not believe her. They said it must be his ghost. When you pray and God answers instantly, you be surprised. The first time I prayed fro a lame and the lame walked, I nearly jumped out through the window. You can go to the Lord and tell Him that you want to be close to Him as possible. Tell Him that you want to love Him, pray and study His words. Tell Him that you want to praise Him, serve Him and witness. Tell Him that you want to be His friend. If you are not yet born again, you have not even started the journey. In your own case, repent from all your sins and tell Him that, from now on, you will serve Him. I have a word, today, for those who have been in the Lord for quite some time. It is possible that, with the passage of time, you have allowed some of your virtues and the values, which you once cherished, to slip through your fingers. You must repent and go back to Bethel. You must pray until virtues like humility, tenderness, child-like confidence in God, faithfulness, possessing a heart that trembles after hearing the word of God, etc. are restored into your life. Leave no stone unturned as far as what it takes to experience the dews of heaven is concerned. Make up your mind today to rediscover the pristine experiences of the good old days. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.”  
MEMORIZE: LUKE 14:27 –And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.