Saturday 26 November 2011


There are many smart actors in the church. Many people think they can play religion and get away with it. If you have been playing church, I admonish you, for the sake of eternity; it is time to seek the Lord. I want you to go to the Almighty God and tell Him to do whatever He can to make you a new creature. You can deceive your pastor but you cannot deceive God. He knows everything. Now is the time to seek the Lord for total sanctification. Although many o us praise the Lord for being born again, there may still be a little problem, say a little anger, once in a while. We can always take this to the Lord because, should the trumpet sound today, that little thing in you that is not absolutely of God may debar you from going. The Bible says: “That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:27). During one of my vigils some years back, I asked God to explain to me this idea of wrinkle. The Lord said, supposing my wedding dress with the Lamb had been prepared and hung, and as it was hung, the wind blew and one layer folded over the other and there was one single wrinkle running from the top to the bottom. This would no longer be acceptable, no doubt. Is there any wrinkle in your life? It is time to go to the Lord and forget all your own theories and philosophies. They will not help you on the last day. God shall judge us by the standard of the Bible. If your pastor is not perfect, he or she shall fail to make heaven. God is not respecter of persons. You cannot bride God. If you are not absolutely pure, you are not going anywhere. Are you playing church? Are you ready for the rapture? Are you preparing for the coming of the Lord? Examine yourself today.
MEMORIZE: EPHESIANS 5:27 –That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.