Sunday 1 July 2012


READ: 1 SAMUEL 18:10-11
God departed from King Saul and an evil spirit filled the King’s heart. David, anointed to take over the throne, was brought into the palace to play a musical instrument and deliver the king from the madness inflicted by the demon. As David played, Saul prophesied and next thing he threw his javelin at David to kill him. We have to be careful to know the sources of prophecies. There are three sources. The first and original source is the Holy Spirit, who imparts his gifts, including the gift of prophecy to the believer who has caused him to prophecy. This was promised in Joel 2:28-29. This type of prophecy is always one hundred percent accurate and must come to pass, no matter how impossible it appears.
Another type of prophecy emanates from the human spirit. This includes someone prophesying something he wants to happen or wants to hear through his spirit. You can for instance prophesy that it shall be well with you and that no matter how hard your enemies try, they will continue to fail. The Scripture says you should not despise prophecy. Never cease from prophesying good things about yourself. To add weight to such prophecy, ensure it is based on Scripture. The unfortunate thing, however, is that such prophecy is subject to manipulation. For instance, someone may bride a prophet to prophesy that the most beautiful lady in the church is God’s will for him. Because such people lead many astray, according to Jeremiah 23:26-32, God brings down judgement on such practitioners.
The third source comes through demons. King Saul prophesied, even though the Spirit of God had left him. Acts 16:16 tells of a girl who prophesied by the influence of the spirit of divination. Those who are able to foretell the future through consultation with the dead, necromancy, palm reading, reading of horoscope signs (stars), witchcraft or traditional doctors are in this category. They will ruin the lives of those to whom they ‘prophesy’. Be careful to investigate the spirit behind the prophecies you receive, especially if these prophecies are controversial, because evil spirits abound and are manipulating many today. (1 John 4:1-3).
MEMORIZE: 1 JOHN 4:1 –Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.