Saturday 7 July 2012


READ: LUKE 24:49-53
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to the earth, died and rose again for you and me and brought salvation, healing, deliverance and all good things to us. But why did he not stay and lead the people? There are some reasons for his going. He returned to heaven to back us up from the Throne room. “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” (John 16:7).
From the above verse, we see that if Jesus had not left, the Holy Spirit would not have come. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth and glorifies Jesus (John 16:12-14). Because Jesus remained with us only for a short time, he had to go and arrange for the Holy Ghost to come and stay with us continually (John 14:15-18).
His return to heaven enabled him to assume a new role – that of High Priest. Because of this, he is interceding for us as our lawyer, defending us against Satan, the accuser of the brethren. But this should not give us an excuse to continue sinning (1 John 2:1). “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2:5).
Jesus is our mediator. He is in heaven to bridge the divide between God and us, as no other man can plead for us. Also he has gone to prepare a place for you and me and he will return to take us to be with him (John 14:1-4). Jesus has also gone to prepare for our wedding. One day he will return to take his bride. Those he is coming for are Christians without spot, wrinkle or blemish (Ephesians 5:27). He has already informed us that at his coming some shall be raptured while others will be left behind. Will you be among those who will be raptured? I will be raptured. I want to see you in heaven. This means all those ‘little sins’ you still engage in have to stop forthwith. You must be prepared to meet with God’s standard of daily holy leaving. Rise up today and make the best of the presence of the Holy Ghost to the glory of God.
MEMORIZE: JOHN 16:7 –Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.