Wednesday 25 July 2012


READ: 2 KINGS 7:3-8
Today’s reading tells of four lepers who were banished to the gates of Samaria. In those days, anyone with leprosy was likened to a dead man, waiting to be buried. The sickness had no cure, so to prevent them from infecting others; they were kept away as outcasts. Besides, these lepers could not engage in normal trading, farming or shepherding. They lived on charity. Spiritually, every sinner is leprous before God. Sin itself is a spiritual leprosy; hence God avoids the sinner like a plague. There is no cure for sin except the blood of Jesus. No New Year’s resolution can solve the problem of sin in your life.
Fortunately for these abandoned lepers, there was hope. Your situation may appear hopeless, yet in it there is a ray of light. They were still in their right minds and able to assess their situation objectively. This is praiseworthy. No matter how bad your situation, you still have something you can thank God for.
The widow of Zarephath in 1 kings 17:8-16 could still thank for the last meal she had left. The widow of 2 Kings 4:1-7 still had a bottle of oil left. Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52 had a very loud voice to thank God for. I wanted to thank God some time ago but could think of nothing to thank him for, so he asked me to start with the 365 miracles of sleeping and waking up in a year. You have several reasons to thank God. I know my tomorrow will be all right because Jesus is alive. I am more than a conqueror through him.
These lepers were more desperate than those who were healthy. They asked themselves why they should remain and die and decided to relocate. Why should you remain in sickness, when Jesus has fully paid for it? (1 Peter 2:24). Child of God, why must you die in debt when 2 Corinthians 9:8 says you can have supernatural abundance? You should not remain in sin because provision has been made for the blood of Jesus to cleanse you (1 John 1:7). Why die and go to hell when you have an alternative – heaven? If Paul, Peter, David and others could live lives glorifying God in this world and make it to heaven, you can, too. Resolve today not to remain in that unpleasant stage. Call out to God and he will make a way out.
MEMORIZE: JEREMIAH 8:22 –Is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of my people?