Monday 9 July 2012


READ: PSALM 91:1-8
In 1 Samuel 18:17-27, we read how, having failed to kill David, King Saul suddenly arose one morning and told David he wanted him as a son-in-law. What he was saying was that if he could not kill David, the Philistines would do so and therefore exonerate him. He agreed to give David; Micah, his daughter, at the cost of 100 Philistines. The amazing thing was that he told David he was not going to pay any dowry. Yet what he was asking for was greater than any dowry! What a liar! Never trust a backslider, because he cannot tell the truth. This is why heaven’s gate remains closed to all liars, because they are like Satan their father.
Whenever Satan makes an offer to you, know there is a hidden trap somewhere. His offers, no matter how easy, cheap, sweet and quick they may appear, are actually designed to destroy your soul. They cost beyond the stated asking price! Satan told Jesus he would release the rulership of this world to him at no cost – except one bow!
Satan has his traps here, there and everywhere. That is why as a child of God you have to be very careful. Satan still waits for faithful believers at their marriage junctions. His plan is to deceive them into marrying the wrong choice, so he can torment their lives as often as he wishes and destroy their ministry and in the process, alter God’s plan for their lives. I pray that you will never fall victim to Satan’s marriage trap.
Beloved single, wait on the Lord. Do not take chances. Subject all those revelations  of the brother or sister in dreams to serious, concerted prayer. That you saw somebody in your dream does not mean that person is God’s choice for you in marriage. Probe deeper in prayers, fasting and study of God’s Word. Sooner or later you will know the truth about them. Satan is a specialist at setting traps. But our God is a specialist at delivering his children from the snares of the enemy. Stay close to God and he will continue to deliver you and even make you a terror to your enemies.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 124:7 –Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped.