Sunday, 12 January 2014


READ: 2 SAMUEL 12:7-14
One day king David will ever live to regret in eternity, was when he decided to stay in the palace and rest when he was supposed to lead the army to battle. Unknown to him Satan had connived with his flesh to set him up. And he fell. His fall witnessed a progression from one sin to another and thereafter, he came under a curse (2 Kings 11). Never yield to the prompting of the flesh. Do not abandon the war front to relax in your bed. You can be sure Satan will come with thoughts to drown your soul.
From today’s reading, God through Prophet Nathan accused David of a number of sins. He conceived lust and eventually delivered adultery with Mrs. Uriah. Every seed of lust sown in your heart culminates in fornication and death (James 1:14-15). Are you becoming so loose with the opposite sex? Do you enjoy spending ungodly hours with the opposite sex? Do you find secret pleasure in observing the exposed private regions in women, or pornography, x-rated movies or blue films via the internet? Run to the cross now before your lust destroy you. Lust is deadlier than HIV/AIDS and bird flu or any other terminal disease. It starts from the soul to the body. Flee fornication!
“So I gave them up to their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels” (Psalm 81:12). Anyone who is overpowered by lust has already been rejected by God. A minister of God went to cybercafé to browse. While he was there he opened the door to lust and visited some pornographic sites. Before long he was filled with the demons of lust. He had backslidden. The life of God had disappeared from him. On coming to himself he repented from his heart and went to bed. He dreamt that night that he was repenting and weeping over his foolishness. As he did so, he saw a man coming gradually towards him. As his repentance progressed, the man drew closer until he got to him and entered him. The brother was afraid but the Spirit calmed him and assured him that he was the One and that he has been pardoned. That man was the Holy Spirit. Any attempt to engage in lust sends the Holy Spirit out of your heart. And if you do this often, He will become grieved and may take His leave for good. Do you still entertain lust? Repent today. Destroy all lust-breeding agents in and around you and keep your heart pure.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 81:12 –So I gave them up to their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels.