Monday, 6 January 2014


Imagine a man who after years of toiling, anguish and serious battles enters his promised land. But just when he is about o settle down, he is ejected. This is a shocking possibility for anyone the Lord has taken to an exalted position, a place of honour, a land of promise. Believers ought to be very careful. It is much easier to lose a blessing than to obtain it. Watch your actions and conduct when you have been so blessed. In every blessing God gives to you is an in-built ejector, capable of ejecting you when you contravene His conditions. The land of promise is given to us by God. You can only occupy it keeping to His terms. How are you handling that blessing today? “That the land spew not you also, when you defile it, as it spewed out the nations that were before you” (Leviticus 18:28).
The Lord was warning the Israelites in today’s reading. He said He allowed one nation after another to dwell in the promised land. They could not satisfy His conditions to retain the land and ended up defiling it. So one after another the land vomited each of them until God brought Israel to occupy it. But then He warned that the land will not treat them different even though they are His chosen ones. He further told them that if they defiled the land, it will automatically eject them. Once ejected, they will have no opportunity of coming back.
The situation is still true now. Any blessing God gives you can turn against you when you offend the Lord, the Owner and Giver of that blessing. It could be spiritual, material, or secular. Judas Iscariot was numbered with the twelve apostles but because he betrayed the One who put him there, his land automatically ejected him and sent for his replacement (Acts 1:16-20). You may not have been the first person to occupy that position in your office or to hold that political appointment or ministerial office in church. If you are prepared to meet with God’s terms of residence, that office will spit you out.
Be wise. Find out what your predecessors did that made the office eject them. Ensure you do not engage in any such acts. Run from all manner of defilement – financial, sexual or intellectual. The more you make the One who put you in the land happy, the longer your stay. Some who have pleased God extended the possession of their promised land to several generations in their lineage. If you please God, instead of facing ejection, you can secure permanent resident permit over your promised land.
MEMORIZE: LEVITICUS 18:28 –That the land spew not you also, when you defile it, as it spewed out the nations that were before you.