Sunday, 26 January 2014


One ‘controversial’ portion of scripture many unbelievers turn to as a point of argument is the source of Cain’s wife. They would say, if Adam and Eve had only two sons-Cain and Abel and Abel was killed by his brother leaving only three people, where did Cain get his wife from?
The issue is not as complex as it sounds if you understand Bible tradition, literary writing and historical perspective of the Jews. Certain factors sufficiently give room for the possibility of more children from Adam. Usually, female children are sparsely mentioned or totally ignored in genealogies of the Hebrews. Sometimes, even males who acted at variance with God’s plan were deliberately omitted from the chosen lineage. For instance, while we know that Cain was the first son of Adam, he was omitted from that position because of his evil deed in killing his brother according to the genealogy recorded in Genesis 5. Verse 3 says, “And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.” And the genealogy continued without mention of Cain. This tells us that if you defeat God’s purpose for your life, you will be ignored from the heavenly genealogy and hall of fame.
“And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD” (Genesis 4:1). From this scripture, Eve celebrated the birth of a male child. One possible reason for doing so could be because she had several females and was getting worried that there was no male. Then when she had Cain, she shouted, ‘A male at last!’ Which was also the meaning of ‘Cain’. In addition, Genesis 5:4 records that Adam had sons and daughters after Seth. This could also mean after Cain and Abel he had sons and daughters. Cain lived before the law and was free to marry his elder or younger sister. He did not get a mystery wife from the blues. He married one of his sisters as the law allowed as at then. The issue is: where is the source of your wife or husband? Is it from God, Satan, computerized match-making or from self? The source of that blessing will determine if it will give peace, rest and joy or otherwise.
MEMORIZE: GENESIS 5:4 –And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters.