Friday, 3 January 2014


“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). The goal of every bonafide child of God is heaven. The target of every wise believer is to be a king in heaven. Some do not mind becoming a gate man in heaven: I do. Why become the least when you can become the greatest of saints? However, it takes a lot of hardwork spread over time to achieve heavenly greatness. Today, so many things contend with our time. There are so many distractions too. That tells us that to achieve greatness in the heavenly planet entails quite a lot. We are commanded to walk ‘circumspectly’. That means carefully pondering over things before doing them. Don’t just do things because you are asked to do them. Do them in a way as to obtain a good result. That is a product of good thinking and reasoning. Some believers do not engage their brains in healthy cogitation and reasoning. Their excuse is that Jesus says in Matthew 6:25-34 they should not take thoughts. Jesus did say you should not be worried, anxious or afraid over any matter; He never said you should not think. That was why you were given a brain.
How can you redeem your time? Never act before you think. Think before you act. Avoid any foolish step. According to Colossians 4:5-6, the wisdom of God should be brought into play in your relationship with unbelievers. Let your contact with them be an opportunity to sow the seed of the Gospel. Draw up the year’s programme and split into months, weeks and days. Have clearly defined goals and set the targets to be met each day, week and month; plan with the Lord. Whatever you ought to do each day strive to always exceed it. Aim high yet be realistic. Use a daily checklist. Spend quality time with God daily – through Bible study, praise, worship, thanksgiving and fasting. Serve God with right motives and serve diligently. Win souls weekly or even daily to God. Adjust your leisure time. For instance, reduce television viewing hours to watch only essentials and convert the remaining time for productive purposes. Cut off aimless callers/visitors. Cut off wasting colleagues and brethren. While travelling, preach and pray in the spirit. While doing laundry, or doing the dishes or even bathing, pray in the spirit and worship God. Listen to messages of genuine men and women of God and play the Bible in cassettes or audio as you go to bed. Hear no evil. See no evil. Do no evil. Be focused on God this new year and it shall be well with you.
Memorize: Ephesians 5:15 –See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.