Wednesday, 1 January 2014


READ: ACTS 13:6-11
“And it came to pass about ten days after, that the LORD smote Nabal, that he died” (1 Samuel 25:38). In the Bible, several people were smitten by God. Some died, others lived a while longer. Those who were smitten by God were struck with different ailments – blindness, leprosy, and stroke. Nabal was struck with stroke fro touching God’s anointed and died ten days later. It is a dangerous thing to be smitten by God. One lesson we learn here is that sin is still the major cause of diverse sicknesses. The farther you keep from sin, the farther sickness and bodily afflictions will keep away from you. The believer who is often sick is most likely very close to sin. One exception to this rule is a trial of faith situation like the case of Job. But this is also for a limited period.
God would not smite anyone without a reason. People over the years have done certain things to provoke God to smite them. In 1 Samuel 17, Goliath defied the army of the Almighty God and he was smitten beyond recovery. Like a man of God observed, it was not the stone from David’s sling which hit Goliath’s forehead that brought him down. For him to have fallen on his face, the Lord must have struck him from behind (1 Samuel 17:45-50). Today, believers in Jesus Christ constitute the army of the living God. Anyone who defies you wants to be smitten by God.
In 2 kings 5:25-27, Gehazi was smitten with leprosy because he lied against Elisha. It is dangerous thing to lie against the anointed of God. In Acts 9:1-5, when God struck Saul de Tarsus, He asked why he was persecuting Him. Anyone persecuting a child of God is persecuting God. God to smote Nebuchadnezzar with madness because of his pride (Daniel 4:28-33). Ananias and Sapphira were smitten with death because of what people would call a ‘white’ lie (Acts 5:1-11). Watch that lie. God hates liars. In today’s reading, Bar-Jesus was smitten with blindness because he was a hindrance to the Gospel. Anyone, irrespective of position, fame or power who hinders the Gospel is courting trouble. King Herod was smitten with death because he refused to give God the glory that was His (Acts 12:21-23). A rich man was smitten with death because he failed to appreciate God for provisions (Luke 12:16-20). Are you inviting trouble from God? Repent now!
MEMORIZE: ROMANS 8:31 –What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us who can be against us?