Friday, 24 January 2014


READ: JOHN 15:18-25
Our Lord Jesus Christ has such widespread reputation that none can deny. Not even the atheist. For this, many people like Him, while some hate Him. But nobody can ignore Him. Some people hate Him to the extent of not wanting to sight the cross. Somebody I know almost died out of anger because he discovered that his wife had a Bible at home. Not too long ago, a Muslim gave his life to Christ in the Middle East and they began to call for his assassination. Jesus is simply a man you cannot ignore.
“If the world hate you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you” (John 15:18). From one generation to another quite a number of people have hated the Lord. Why do people hate Jesus? Some hate Him because He is light and they are darkness and are afraid He will continue to expose their evil deeds. “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evils” (John 3:19). Some hate Him because they think He is too popular: Why can’t they themselves be as popular? “But that it spread no further among the people, let us strictly threaten them, that they speak hereafter to no man in this name” (Acts 4:17).
Some people in authority hate Jesus because there is nothing they haven’t tried to stamp out the Christian faith, yet rather than quench it, such acts further fuel the gospel. Some are angry because He is too powerful and there is nothing they can do to over power Him. Some are enraged because whether they like it or not one day, they will bow down to Him, either here on earth or at death during judgement. Some hate Him because they see Him as an agent of retrogression. How? They believe that if they believe in Him, they will be prevented from making progress or amassing wealth by fraudulent means. Some hate Him because they believe His ways are too hard and tough hence they take refuge in other religions that allow them to do whatever they like. Satan and demons hate Him because there’s nothing they can do to repent and be accepted back to Heaven. Occultists hate Him because He makes their power null and void and disgraces them before those who hold them in high esteem. Why do you hate Christ? Your eternal judgment is in His hands. Whether you hate Him or not, believe it or not, one day, you will stand before Him in judgement. Why not make peace with Him today? Your hatred of Jesus can quicken your destruction. Repent today!
MEMORIZE: JOHN 15:18 –If the world hate you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.