Tuesday, 28 January 2014


READ: JOHN 1:35-47
“He first finds his own brother Simon, and says to him, we have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted, the Christ” (John 1:41).
In various organizations today, different marketing strategies are adopted in moving goods from the producers to the ultimate consumers. Usually there is a kind of chain of distributors that lie between the producer and the end user. One conventional way of marketing products is to possibly eliminate the chain of wholesalers, and retailers as well as to cut down on the usual advertising costs so as to bring the product at a competitive price to the end user and compensate the inside network of distributors. It operates through a chain-a network system where buyer cannot only have a product but also be compensated for referring friends and relatives to use the same product.
The truth is multi-level marketing strategies have long been in use from Bible days. The fact that a couple-Adam and Eve-were the earliest to live on earth as human beings at the time of creation, and that due to reproduction, the world currently has more than seven billion people, lends credence to this. Similarly, as Jesus began His ministry, He started alone. One after the other, He began to draw individuals to Himself. In today’s reading, we see that Andrew, an erstwhile disciple of John the Baptist was the one behind the conversion of his brother Simon Peter. After he met Christ, he brought Peter to Him. Years later, Peter won several thousands to Christ who in turn won so many more into God’s kingdom.
Andrew was not alone. Philip after knowing Jesus introduced Nathaniel to Christ. Nathaniel later became one of the apostles who brought several souls into the kingdom. In this process, the spiritual network continued to expand. It must not die in our time. Considering the great rewards available for each soul won in heaven, it is therefore very important that we must continue this spiritual networking by winning more souls to Christ. The Lord is challenging every born again believer all over the world to a commitment of winning one soul a month. That means each believer will have 12 souls minimum per annum. If we can do this for a period of 10 years I believe the gospel would have spread all over the world. If you do this, you will be among those bearing minimum fruit and will be rewarded. You will also benefit from the converts your own converts will bear. Take this call seriously and start today!
MEMORIZE: JOHN 15:2 –Every branch in Me that bears not fruit He takes away; and evry branch that bears fruit, He purges it, that it may bring forth more fruit.