Wednesday, 29 January 2014


In today’s reading, the disciples climbed to meet Jesus on a mountain. The mountain is the ideal place for every child of God. It is not easy to climb a mountain though. The climber could fall. He will exert a lot of energy and sweat. He will have to be extra careful with his steps. All mountain climbers must pay a price to be on top of the mountain. This year, the Lord will help you to the top of the mountain and you will stay there in Jesus name.
There are several benefits of being on the mountain top. If affords you the opportunity of seeing what others cannot see. Also, those who climb close to Jesus will hear Him even when he whispers, while He will have to shout at the multitude before they can hear Him. The medium God communicates frequently with you is determined by the distance you keep from Him. If you are close enough, He will talk to you through the still small voice. He will speak to the inner ears of your spirit man. But if you are far off, He will have to use the audible voice and speak to your physical ears. How does God communicate with you? Some believers hardly hear God speak to them except in dream. This might mean that they have kept distance from Him and have been too busy to let Him into their thoughts and activities in the day. This is a dangerous place to be because if God has to wait until night to ell you what should happen today, you will be casualty of the day: it will be too late. But if God speaks to you anytime through His word, flashes of vision or voice; that indicates that you are close to Him. How close are to Him. How close are you to Jesus?
Another benefit on the mountain top is that it affords you the opportunity to know more than those in the valley. It broadens your horizon. If you have never travelled out of your country of birth, your view about the world and life in general may be stereotyped. But when you have travelled through most part of the world, your views will definitely be broadened. There is so much to learn. There is so much God wants to show you. God has volumes to teach you. But you have to come to the top of the mountain to receive such divine revelations. The best treasures are reserved on mountain top-that is in God’s presence. Take a decision to leave your present spiritual level and get to the top and possess your possession.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 5:1 –And seeing the multitude, He went up into a mountain; and when He was set, his disciples came to Him.