Monday, 27 January 2014


The Lord will make you perfect in Jesus name. To be perfect, you have to go through the path of suffering and trial. Suffering reveals your weakness and gives you the opportunity of identifying and correcting them. It is easy to pray for someone in trouble than when you are the one in trouble. Some sisters are fantastic prayer champions when it comes to interceding for others. But when their children have convulsion, they suddenly lose their strength and courage and begin to panic like those who have no knowledge of God. No! That is the opportunity you have to prove God is alive in you!
You cannot correctly say how you are until problems come. If somebody tells you that you are proud, you may most likely deny it until you see yourself manifesting traits of haughtiness in the midst of pressure. One reason God applies pressure is because nobody is born wise. According to Proverbs 22:15, every child is born foolish which is why cane has to be applied to replace folly with wisdom. In God’s dealing with us, he knows that some adults have outgrown being caned hence He uses fire to do what cane can no longer achieve.
Some believers call for the fire by their refusal to receive the message of the pastor and make necessary adjustment. A friend of mine, a baker, refused to accept the teaching on tithes. In fact, he said he did not like the book of Malachi for its teaching on tithing. Not long after, all the staff went on holidays and refused to return. And the bakery closed down. After three weeks, I saw him when I went home. He was busy complaining when I told him it was because he was robbing God. He asked me to pray for him promising that when the bakery reopens, he will be faithful in tithing. In less than 48 hours, fresh applicants applied and the bakery reopened. He has not failed to tithe since then. God knows how to teach you a lesson if you are not ready to learn the easy way. You can avoid the fire sometimes by simply responding to God’s Word. Or you can multiply the fire you will go through. Some Christians are currently going through a fire they could have avoided by being humble, obedient and submissive to God. Where do you stand?
MEMORIZE: MALACHI 3:2 –But who may abide the day of His coming and who shall stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap.