Tuesday, 14 January 2014


READ: PSALM 42:1-2
“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death” (Philippians 3:10).
The heart cry of Paul the Apostle was, ‘That I may know Him’. Paul, who undoubtedly was the greatest of all the apostles yet out of a deep hunger and thirst after God wanted to know more of Jesus. In Matthew 5:6, Jesus says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.” A man who is filled needs no filling. It takes an empty container to produce a filled container. If you are not hungry for God, you will not be filled by God. Your hunger and thirst are what will determine your capacity to be filled (vacuum), the substance you will be filled with and how soon you need a refill. Some believers are hungry for the things of the world but never thirsty for God. Some, as soon as a particular spiritual hunger is satisfied, they are never hungry again. But the people Jesus calls “blessed” in the above passage are those who continue to hunger and thirst. There is continuous filling for the ever-hungry. How hungry are you for God?
Paul was never satisfied. His hunger was second to none. The hunger pangs that continued to grip his spirit accelerated his spiritual growth and development. The prayer point you raise most often reveals whether you hunger and thirst for God or not. The Christianity of Paul had gone beyond, ‘God bless me’ level. Believers on this level only see God as a tool – a means to their ends. And most times they are just self-centered. Paul’s faith in Christ has also gone beyond, ‘Lord use me’ level, which may be focused on allowing His power to operate in your life and produce the miraculous. It has reached the level of ‘I want to know You.’ This level is like telling God, I have tasted your blessing, I have seen your power. Now show me the secret behind the two. While the children of Israel were seeing the blessing and the powerful works of God, Moses was craving for God’s ways (Psalm 103:7). He was asking to see the secret behind the acts. This third level operates only through revelation. You can never know Him until He reveals Himself to you. May the Lord take you beyond the blessing and miraculous acts into His secret place where mysteries are unveiled in Jesus name. Strive to face the real thing. Seek after God and you shall be filled with His fullness.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 42:1 –As the heart pants after the water brooks, so pants my soul after You, O God.