Saturday 28 May 2011


It is the practice of the well to do to undergo medical check-up periodically. They do not wait for symptoms of ill-health before they visit their doctor. Such medical check-up has saved many people from serious health problems as they are able to nip such problems n the bud. Diagnosis is not only necessary in the physical, it is also important in the spiritual realm. Whenever you receive early signals concerning the onset of a problem you must run yourself through spiritual diagnosis. You must diagnosis the cause of your problem. Trace your problem to its root. Find out when, where and how it started, and possibly why, too. An ailment that is diagnosed is half cured. In Joshua 7:1-12, Joshua traced the problem that caused the defeat of the children of Israel. God told him that someone in the camp had disobeyed Him. There may be somebody in your team or in your employ, or in your home that is the cause of your problem. In Genesis 13:5-7, the problem of Abraham started from the day Lot began to go with him. If you have discovered that there is any Achan in your camp, the Achan must go. If you discover that it is a Lot that is worrying you, that Lot must go. You cannot afford to be sentimental. Was it the time that you employed a new clerk in your office that you had the last contract? The Achan in your life must go. The relative causing problem has to go. As a businessman or an employer of labour, I advise you not to hire your relatives. You can arrange for your friends to hire them. Do not hire someone you cannot fire. The source of your problem may also be your name. 1 Chronicles 4:9 tells us of a boy born when his mother was very sad and he was named Jabez, which means, ‘son of sorrow’. He moved from one sorrow to another, according to his name. If you name is the problem, change it. You cannot be wiser than God who changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. You may be the cause of your problem. If you are the cause, face the issue squarely. Decide to get rid of the problem. Do not push your problem to another person. Be honest with yourself. Diagnose, discover and deal with the causes of your problems, today.
MEMORIZE: PROVERBS 26:3 –A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and the rod for the fool’s back.