Sunday 25 December 2011


READ: LUKE 12:35-48
The divine yardstick has remained largely unknown to many people. As human beings, we view things differently. What appears good to us may be trash in the sight of the Almighty. The Bible says: “For the LORD is the God of knowledge; and by Him actions are weighed.” Our text teaches us an important scriptural truth. To whom much is give, much is expected. “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.” If God gives you a big assignment to do, He will require a big result. Someone who faithfully fulfils his basic and secondary assignments in a remote village where he is posted to serve the Lord can expect the same honour as he who was given a whole nation to pastor. On the Day of Judgment the pastor of hundred people will be judged on the life of every member of the church, after his own life has been judged. If he is cleared on the hundred people and nobody went to hell because of him, he can be sure of making heaven. But if one out of the hundred should stumble because of him, according to the word of God, he is not likely to make heaven. The Bible teaches us that if one fellow stumbles because of you, it is better that a millstone be tied round your neck and you get thrown into the sea (Matthew 18:6-7). If, as a minister of God, you get somebody into hell because of fornication or, as a result of your violent temper, you scatter the church of God, you cannot go to heaven. You must examine yourself today. Are you aware of the divine yardstick? If God were to placeyou on His divine scale today, what would you weight?
MEMORIZE: JOB 40:2 –Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? He who rebukes God, let him answer it.