Saturday 12 May 2012


READ: 1 SAMUEL 17:10-11
Has God anointed you? You ought not to be afraid because the One who anointed you will defend his anointing upon your life. If you are genuinely born again, you cannot be demon-possessed. How can the demon even enter you? He will be burnt because of the fire of God surrounding you. But if you break the hedge of holiness surrounding you, then the demons will have legal grounds to gain entrance.
As long as God is with you; your enemies will be your stepping stones to glory. A life of holiness is the basis for success, security, peace and all round blessings. God and Adam were friends when Adam had not sinned. After God created the animals, he brought them to Adam to name them, thereby making his words decrees (Genesis 2:19-20). As much as you value your relationship with God and keep away from offending him, God will make you rename poverty, sickness, demonic affliction, disappointment, defeat and barrenness and they will become what you decree concerning them. If you want to remain relevant and in control of life’s situations and circumstances, yield completely to God and abstain from sin.
When a believer permits sin in his life, he will be separated from God his Defender. In our reading, King Saul trembled at Goliath’s threat. He who had chased the Philistines in the past out of Israel was now afraid. He could not go into the battle because he knew that the sin in his life would bring about his defeat. That is wisdom at least, and he prolonged his days a little while. It is foolish to confront the enemy when you are in sin. You will be destroyed.
Adam heard God’s voice after his fall and became afraid. (Genesis 3:9-10). Sin brings fear. If you are in sin, you will take your shadows for enemies. Sin will rob you of God’s glory and clothe you with worthless leaves.
Sin brings shame and defeat (Genesis 2:25). What is your standing with God? Are you still nursing some pet sins in your life? You are courting danger. Repent and take deliberate steps to daily, holy living from today.
MEMORIZE: GENESIS 3:10 –So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.”