Tuesday 22 May 2012


When you meet with a backslider, you will soon know he is no longer with God by his or her language. Words, like smoke, cannot hide for too long; before you realise it, they will just ooze out the mouth, for “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”
“The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above.” (Proverbs 14:14). Before a man leaves the church and communion with the brethren, he had already banished the lord from occupying his heart. You find many Christians today who still attend church services, but their hearts have departed from the Lord. Some are even workers and ministers. Give them a little more time, they will create some excuses and leave the church.
A backslider worships himself. All he thinks about is himself. He feels if he cannot do something, nobody else can. When 12 spies were sent to spy out the Promised Land in Numbers 13:31-33, the 10 backslidden ones returned to say that although it was a good land, they could not inherit because giants were there to eat them up. Backsliders are always negative in their thinking. They are prepared to return to Egypt because they are already back to Egypt in their hearts.
Anyone you meet who tells you, ‘if going forward is impossible, then let’s go back,’ is a backslider. When someone tells you if prayer cannot solve the problem, adopt native or diabolical means, you will know is a backslider. King Saul, who waged war against witches when he was in right standing with God, went to the witch at Endor when God had left him.
When you find a believer who is always afraid and running away from his enemies, find out, he is most likely a backslider. A backslider cannot withstand any enemy. Remember, in Joshua 7:10-12, Israel, after defeating Jericho, fell before Ai because they were backslidden. Examine yourself: are you still in the faith? Do you sing some of the songs of backsliders? Repent and make right your ways before God. In all the consecrated areas you have backslidden, go back to the altar.  
MEMORIZE: PROVERBS 14:14 –The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, but a good man will be satisfied from above.