Thursday 10 May 2012


READ: 1 SAMUEL 16:14-23
When you embark on quality praise, it can have several beautiful results. Divine music, as seen from today’s passage, is capable of driving demons away. As you render quality praise and worship, the demons become uncomfortable and take their leave. Worldly music on the other hand glorifies Satan and attracts demons. Hence you ought to be careful of the songs you sing. Some churches sing songs no different to those of the world. It will not be a surprise to find demons home in such gatherings. Divine music, according to 2 Kings 3:13-15, invites the presence of the Holy Spirit. Some kings came to ask Elisha for a word of prophecy. Because of his annoyance, the Holy Spirit, being a gentle dove, departed from him. To enable him to recall the Holy Spirit, he had to ask for a minstrel to begin to minister to God in true worship. Then the Holy Spirit returned.
God inhabits the praises of his children (Psalm 22:3). When you ascribe glory to God he will draw near to you. And he does not move alone, the hosts of heaven will accompany him and good things will follow. When Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Acts 16:25-26, they began to offer God quality praise. They did not care who heard. Some Christians are either afraid or ashamed to praise God at home because they mind their neighbours calling them fanatics.
The praise rendered by the duo in prison prompted a visit from God. His heavenly host followed him and on arrival, their movement caused an earthquake, which set every one free of whatever bondage they were in. Are you bound in any way by Satan or his cohorts? If you try heartfelt and unfeigned praise to God, he will come in to set you wholly free.
To receive the best from praising God, ensure your sins are confessed to God. Focus on him and sing songs that make meaning in your heart unto God. Avoid distractions and continue to tell him by his names and titles. Worship before him and before you know it, he will come to visit you. And that will be the beginning of new things in your life.  
MEMORIZE: PSALM 22:3 –But You are holy, Who inhabit the praises of Israel.