Saturday 2 June 2012


READ: 2 KINGS 6:30-33
From our reading, we see the king of Samaria, who had displayed deep sorrow, suddenly turning his wrath over the Samaritan siege on Elisha. He thereafter sent his messengers to take Elisha’s head, but God revealed the plan to the prophet and he arrested the arresters. The Lord is trying to teach us some lessons from this event. No matter how hard the enemy tries, another man’s problem will not become yours, in Jesus’ Name. “For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.” (Psalm 125:3).
The enemy will definitely try to cause you to fall into a trap set for someone else. You have to resist it and stand on the above Scripture and God will give you the victory. Similarly, you must not accept the devil’s load. He will surely send you some of it. Don’t receive or accept it. Someone said, ‘I caught a cold.’ Don’t catch it! Return to sender. Do not accept any curse or evil pronouncement made against you. The Scripture says you shall condemn every tongue that rises against you.
Some believers even go beyond receiving Satan’s load to personalising it as their property. Having accepted, for instance, a particular ailment over and over again, Satan deceives them to begin to see it as their peculiar sickness, so they begin to say like, ‘My headache has started again.’ ‘I always have a migraine that lasts for a week every June.’ ‘Oh! It is Monday! Nothing works for me on Monday; I had better stay at home.’
It is what you believe and confess you will get. Such negative trends have taken their toll on you because they found you a dumping ground for Satan’s waste. But if today you arise and say, ‘Satan I reject your load; have it back in Jesus’ Name. From now on, I will not be your dumping site.’ It will be so. Satan will try but you will stand your ground and steadfastly resist him. It is only then that he will be convinced your life is now prohibited to his waste; so he will go somewhere else.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 125:3 –For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.