Sunday 24 June 2012


READ: 2 KINGS 5:1-15
There are different types of breakthroughs. Today we shall be looking at physical breakthrough. In our reading, we meet with a very famous, wealthy and great army general named Naaman – and his amazing life story. He was a leper. One day, his young Israeli maid witnessed to him, telling him that the ‘but’ in his life would disappear through an encounter with the God of Israel. He humbled himself and met the required conditions and achieved his breakthrough.
In Mark 5:25-34, we read the account of the woman with the issue of blood. She was a very rich woman, well respected in society. The physical sickness that came on her took her to the best doctors of her time, and drained off all her wealth until she became impoverished and a nobody. But thank God, one day she heard of the God of breakthroughs and she went and touched the hem of his garment by faith and achieved her breakthrough.
In both cases, we find rich and honourable people. Each of them was plagued by Satan with a very humiliating sickness which daily covered their heads with shame, sorrow and disgrace. Living became a nightmare. Even today, you will find that most prosperous, honourable and accomplished people have satanic affliction that regularly disgraces them and drains their wealth. Some of them have a type of disease they cannot even disclose to their spouse, on which they spend fortunes without hope of a cure.
This is a major difference from the blessing that comes from God. It makes rich and adds no sorrow. Satan can only curse, coated with a thin layer of blessing. You know better where to go for blessings. Similarly, if you are not a child of God, any blessing you have is subject to Satan’s dictate: he can take it away at any time. Why not give your life to Christ today, so that he can safeguard you, your family and your possessions and wealth? He has several billion angels to assign with no other responsibility than to be your invisible bodyguard, 24 hours of the day for the rest of your life. Call on him now. He is near to you. He will hear as you repent and turn over your life to him.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 121:1 –I will lift up my eyes to the hills – from whence comes my help?