Friday 22 June 2012


READ: 2 KINGS 7:1-2
Elisha, the man of God, prophesied that there would be a divine breakthrough and abundance in Samaria within 24 hours. But the king’s counsellor looked at all the economic indices and said this was an impossibility. Then Elisha said when the Word came to pass, the adviser would not partake of the breakthrough. You should be careful about who gives you counsel. Some people consult oracles before they do anything. Some believers go to fellow human beings for counsel, including unbelievers. Psalm 1:1 says the man who does not follow worldly advice (advice contrary to God’s Word) as well as receiving advice from unbelievers, is blessed.
“Thus says the LORD: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD.’” (Jeremiah 17:5). If you receive counsel from idols, demons will deceive you and make sure they ruin you. They may correctly diagnose your problem. If you take a man as your adviser, his advice will be subject to his limited knowledge.
A man may mean well for you. He may tell you to choose that lady because she is already self-made. You will not have to spend much on her. He may warn you not to marry from a particular tribe, because his brother married from there and is now regretting it. But there is a Counsellor who can never mislead you. Isaiah 9:6 calls him ‘Wonderful Counsellor’. He is the One who has been advising the Trinity even before the world began. He is my Counsellor. He knows the end right from the beginning. His Name is Jesus Christ. Before he left this world to sit at the right hand of the Father, he introduced his partner, the Holy Spirit, to offer us free and unbeatable advisory services (John 16:13). If you make the Holy Spirit your Counsellor from today, he will guide your steps aright, into your blessings. Yield to him and never take any decision without first consulting with the Holy Ghost.  
MEMORIZE: JEREMIAH 17:5 –Thus says the LORD: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD.’