Thursday 21 June 2012


“‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath.” (Ephesians 4:26). In 1 Samuel 20:27-34, we read about two angry people. King Saul was angry with Jonathan for preventing him from killing David. In fact, he was so annoyed that he hurled his javelin at his son to kill him, but thank God he escaped. One lesson to learn here is that if you stand to intercede for and deliver those Satan had held bound and afflicted, you must be prepared for attack. He might leave his victim and begin to attack you. Having been used of God in the miraculous, this is one reason that you should go and hide yourself in God’s presence and live a holy life, so that you are shielded from Satan’s attacks. Do not rest on your oars after such a victory or you could become a casualty.
Jonathan on the other hand was angry that his father was scheming to destroy an innocent subordinate who had brought him nothing but joy and peace. You can never really be a friend to your enemy until he is born again. Those who go to native doctors and occultists for help do not know that the devil rejoices and says, ‘At last, we’ve got him!’ All that these people do in the name of trying to help you solve your problem, is actually based on a secret plan to imprison you beyond deliverance like Samson, make you a laughing stock and thereafter destroy your life.
Never consider an option for help outside Jesus Christ! It is a death trap you might not recover from. King Saul’s anger was baseless and cruel. Jonathan’s anger could be justified as anger against sin. Jesus was angry with some men who questioned why he had healed a withered hand on Sabbah (Mark 3:1-6). Also in Matthew 21:12-13, our Lord had to use a whip to drive out those who had turned the temple into a gambling house. His was holy anger.
According to our reading, the only type of anger allowed by God is holy anger. How do you know which anger is holy or not? In 2 Kings 3:13-15, Elisha was angry for a holy reason, yet the Holy Spirit left him because he is a gentle dove. It took a minstrel to woo the Holy Ghost back. Decide today to avoid anger, for an angry man is a fool, according to Ecclesiastes 7:9. Because Satan may take advantage of so-called holy anger, it is better to stay away completely.
MEMORIZE: EPHESIANS 4:26 –‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath.